Dec 4, 2010


Recently when I saw movie “Inception”, it made me realize that we spend half of our time lying in bed, doing nothing, in the state of blackout. It is a lot of waste of time…Will it not be fun if we have been able to see dreams, all colorful and shiny and while sleeping visit places and do things and while doing all that get our sleep and rest.

I also remembered that once I used to see colorful dreams like “Inception”. And I was able to realize that I was dreaming and able to change things, When I searched a little on internet I saw that , ability to realize that you are in a dream is called “Lucid Dreaming”. But I will Discuss Lucid dreaming and How to see lucid dreams in another post.

In this part I only discuss about seeing colorful dreams like Inception and enjoying them, remembering them is also very important.

I am restricting my self to tips only I do not want to discuss religious or cultural aspects.

Here are simple steps;

1_ Find a calm place preferably dark place…
2_Select a body posture in which every muscle of your body is relaxed e.g. lay straight on your back

3_Take deep breaths and slowly bring it to normal, close your eyes and think of blue light ( try different scenarios such as if you are at a bottom of lake or pond of blue light, or if you  are floating in sea of blue light, or you are laying in rain of blue light). Don’t try to see just concentrate on your imagination.

Do above things for about 10 to 15 minutes everyday and I guarantee you that within 3 days you will be able to see long and colorful dreams.

Don’t try any other color except “Blue” because it may not suit you. Blue color is very moderate and suits everyone. I am not responsible for any harm caused by any other color (It can effect your health and mood specially)

Don’t try it if you have problem of horrible night mares or some kind of phobia related to dreams.

Beside colorful dreams it has numerous advantages for your body and brain health and it improves many aspects like bad sleep etc. Advantages of meditation are discussed in separate post.

Remembering dream is another issue and I will discuss it in separate post.

Try it then share your experiences with me.

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